We asked you to vote for your favourite FNM song in our league table.

We started with 32 songs which were picked according to played and shared statistics from Spotify. This obviously included some big hitters, however - much to some followers' grievance - we missed out many classics and favourites.
This only goes to prove that FNM write countless great tracks and this kind of competition is in fact futile.......doh!
Due to covid-19, for a bit of fun and to alleviate a little boredom we did it anyway. You voted out 24 songs and narrowed it down to just 8 in the quarter finals. Over the last week you have been voting and here are the results.
Everything's Ruined 56% VS King For A Day 44%
The battle between the title track from FNM's 1995 album and Angel Dust heavyweight Eveything's Ruined was very close. However this was not a good day if you were not looking good for KFAD and ER made us proud and made us rich...
The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies 30% VS Midlife Crisis 70%
End of the road for the competition underdog as GAOME clashed with the unstoppable MC. Perfect, yes it's true. But remember kiddies without Faith No More Followers you are only you.
Epic 52% VS From Out Of Nowhere 48%
1989 royalty versus 1989 royalty. Who can pick between these two classic TRT hits?! (Editor's Note: I voted for FOON). Can you believe that fans bitch and moan about Epic all the time (it's dated, it's overplayed) yet it's reached the semi finals!
We Care A Lot 27% VS The Real Thing 73%
It's a shame to see the last Chuck Mosley era track leave the competition however what song can stand up to the awesome might of TRT. Totally expected the 1989 title track to reach the semis.
So here we have our four semi finalists! Two Angel Dust songs and two from The Real Thing. Who makes the FINAL is your hands.

You can vote each day for your favourite tracks on our Facebook page.