We asked you to vote for your favourite FNM song in our league table.

We started with 32 songs which were picked according to played and shared statistics from Spotify. This obviously included some big hitters, however - much to some followers' grievance - we missed out many classics and favourites.
This only goes to prove that FNM write countless great tracks and this kind of competition is in fact futile.......doh!
Due to covid-19, for a bit of fun and to alleviate a little boredom we did it anyway. And you voted out 16 songs.

Here are the results for ROUND TWO.
Last Cup Of Sorrow 39% VS Everything's Ruined 61%
The fan favourite from Angel Dust knocks out the AOTY single, but there wasn't much in it.
Ricochet 35% VS The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies 65%
"Happy birthday fucker!"... Two 1995 classics faced off but GAOME is smashing the competition.
Ashes To Ashes 49% VS King For A Day 51%
Another AOTY track knocked out in a the closest battle of the competition so far.
Evidence 23% VS Midlife Crisis 77%
Those jazz tones didn't stand a chance against FNM royalty.
Epic 80% VS Helpless 20%
To be fair it's surprising that Helpless did as well as it it did. I'm sure we all expected an Epic landslide. Looks like folks are still in love with the 31 year old song.
We Care A Lot 73% VS Matador 27%
Classic Chuck Mosley FNM beats most recent Patton FNM.
From Out Nowhere 54% VS Caffeine 46%
Editor demands a recount!!! Seriously Caffeine is knocked out! Pft.
A Small Victory 44% VS The Real Thing 56%
Another close battle in round two but the 89 track knocks out the 92 track.
We are now into the quarter-finals!!

You can vote each day for your favourite tracks on our Facebook page. #faithnomore